Doctor Terms of Use
Terms of Service
Doctors understand that Panmedical is a Digital Health company.
Doctors have signed up with Panmedical as independent contractors to provide B2C and B2B Telehealth services (Telemedicine) to Patients. Doctors will not be considered as employees or representatives of Panmedical.
Doctors will be paid on a per consultation basis based on their contract.
Doctors are paid automatically two days after completion of the consultation, for all consultations completed two days prior. Payments are sent electronically by the payment gateway (Cashfree).
Doctors acknowledge that Panmedical’s services are meant for urgent, non-emergency services, and are not suitable for any emergencies that are best handled by a visit to a Hospital; please asses the situation and advise patient accordingly.
Doctors understand that our Partners (Pharmacies, Diagnostic) are independent medical service providers contracted by Panmedical to provide expanded services to Patients.
Usage of the platform implies agreeing to these Terms & Conditions.
Privacy Policy
Panmedical collects and stores minimum data required from Patients, Doctors and Partners, to complete the authorized business transaction. We do not share data with anyone outside the company.
Patients and Doctors use self-service to update and save their profile data and access required data to complete their relevant transactions. Patients receive Prescriptions and Invoices by Email and WhatsApp once the Doctor closes the consultation.
Customer service representatives have access to certain patient’s and doctor’s data to assist patients with registration and queries, support doctors with scheduling, and manage consultation queues (dashboards).
We do not store any credit card data – That’s handled by our payment provider (Cashfree). Any bank account information captured for outbound payments is not visible on our UI (masked) after it’s saved, and that information is encrypted in database.
When a Patient opts-in for services that are provided by our partners like Pharmacy or Diagnostic, we may share minimum patient data as required by the Partner to complete the requested service.