First Digital Health Camp

Nov 28, 2021

Panmedical team organized its first free digital health camp this week. The camp was virtual with the doctor in America and patients in india. A total of nine patients were seen by Dr Tanu Shweta on a video call via zoom. 

This was organized by the Operations Manager Pranav Prabhat in Ranchi, India and nursing assistant Nancy Kachhap in a the remote village Tonku in the jungles.

Nancy was on site and used her phone to connect each patient with us. Electronic medical records were completed and prescriptions sent to the patients. All medicines for these patients were paid for by Dr Tanu. 

A lab technician visited the village to collect their blood and urine samples for tests ordered. Two patients needed referrals to a tertiary care center and we used our external network of doctors to connect them to specialists at RIMS – the local state academic medical center. Transportation was arranged and paid for too.

One of the issues that came up was poor nutrition. Every patient was malnourished and the majority of their problems seemed to originate in their lack of access to a well balanced diet. Panmedical was committed to working towards arranging a regular supply of groceries to these families. We collaborated with Akshay Patra, a global organization that feeds children mid day meals through their vast network of kitchens. Regular supply of groceries to these families was arranged.